Specific Information Signs and Business Signs on Limited Access Highways (Logo) Program

The Specific Information Signs and Business Signs on Limited Access Highways (LOGO) program is intended to provide the motoring public with information on essential travel services (gas, food, lodging, camping) that are available at qualified interchanges on limited access highways in Connecticut.  The program allows qualified businesses to apply and erect their Business Sign (Logo panel) onto a Specific Information Sign.  Businesses must meet minimum qualification criteria specified in the State Regulations governing the program.  There are no exceptions or waivers. 

All cost associated with the signing installation (fabrication, installation, reimbursement, permit fees, etc.) will be the responsibility of the business.  The Department will inform the applicant of all costs and maintenance requirements as required by the State Regulations during the approval process.  Installation of the Logo panels is permitted only after the approval process is completed and an encroachment permit is granted to the business.  Businesses must continue to meet minimum qualification criteria as long as the Logo panels are displayed, or signing will be removed.

Businesses interested in participating in the LOGO program, must submit a pre-approval application through the Online Application System link below.  There is no fee to apply for pre-approval.  After submitting a pre-approval application, the Department will review the application, and inform the business of next steps and fees should the business meet all program requirements.

Tourist Attraction signs are not part of the Specific Information Sign program.  For more information on the Tourist Attraction Signs Program, please click here.
