Connected and Automated Vehicles
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In February 2021, the CTDOT published its first ever, statewide CAV strategic plan. The purpose of this document is to provide the CTDOT’s strategic approach to the preparation, deployment and sustainment of CAV technologies and solutions. This CAV Strategic Plan represents a snapshot in time and will be revisited and updated in response to changing technologies; evolving federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and shifts in Connecticut’s transportation needs and priorities. Key elements of the plan are summarized below. A link to the full plan is provided here. A link to the press release announcing the plan is provided here.

Vision - The future of CAV transportation is safe, secure and seamlessly operated across all jurisdictions. As part of this CAV vision, the CTDOT is committed to look for ways in which CAV technologies can become a powerful tool to help meet a variety of the CTDOT’s goals to improve safety; enhance mobility, accessibility, and reliability; reduce congestion; fix and upgrade infrastructure; provide efficiencies; improve air quality; and support economic growth.

Near-Term Strategy (2021-2025) – The CTDOT will focus its CAV objectives and actions on tangibles and deliverables, centered around the multiple facets of CAV technologies where there has been and continues to be significant advancements by both industry and public sector. This includes a variety of activities such as early policy coordination and development; assessments of workforce and infrastructure readiness; experience deploying pilot projects; and other activities.

Long-Term Strategy (Beyond 2025) – The CTDOT will continue to establish a timely feedback loop to adapt and engage with on-going advancements in CAV technologies, policies and readiness in order to prepare for and support larger CAV deployments, to develop more comprehensive CAV policies, and to commit to upgrading the State’s infrastructure and workforce for cooperative automation. This long-term strategy will be part of an overall assessment of the CTDOT’s own capabilities to implement multimodal CAV supportive infrastructure programs and to facilitate CAV technologies and services at larger scale subject to available funding, standards, market penetration and readiness.


  • Strengthen internal support for CAV by establishing a central structure to set direction and to coordinate related planning, actions and needs across the CTDOT
  • Expand the CTDOT’s general workforce knowledge and understanding of CAV technologies by engaging in CAV training opportunities as well as CAV pooled fund studies and research
  • Advance CAV pilots and demonstration projects in Connecticut to gain “hands-on” experience and understand early benefits
  • Prepare Connecticut’s highway and transit infrastructure for CAV by continuing to invest in basic state of good repair (SOGR) needs as well as participating in efforts that identify and evaluate effectiveness of multimodal infrastructure improvements for cooperative automation
  • Expand internal efforts to collaborate on and advance CAV preparedness by incorporating and considering CAV (as applicable) within the CTDOT’s various plans, projects, programs, processes, designs, ITS architecture, etc.
  • Expand external efforts to collaborate on and advance CAV preparedness by enhancing and seeking new partnerships and funding opportunities
  • Continue to shape CAV laws, regulations and policies by remaining active and staying engaged with related state, regional and national efforts, organizations and stakeholders, including private sector




