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Program Overview
The Community Connectivity Program seeks to improve accommodations for bicyclists and pedestrians in urban, suburban and rural community centers. There is high demand to improve these areas as they not only serve as places where people can meet for social, educational, and recreational activities, but also serve as places of employment, transit hubs, and business districts.
The goal of the Community Connectivity Program is to make conditions safer and more accommodating for pedestrians and bicyclists, thereby encouraging more people to use these healthy and environmentally sustainable modes of travel. Making these improvements will make Connecticut’s community centers more attractive places to live and work.
The Community Connectivity Grant Program (CCGP) was developed to provide funding for targeted infrastructure improvements that are commonly identified through RSA’s, or other transportation planning initiatives. The purpose of the CCGP is to provide funding directly to Municipalities to perform smaller scale infrastructure improvements that are aligned with the overall program goal. It should be noted that having completed an RSA is not a prerequisite to receiving funding under the CCGP.
Below are program documents and helpful links to assist in applying for grants and navigating the project administration process. The Department will evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the process over time and may make modifications to the guidelines as needed. General questions regarding the CCGP can be directed to CTDOT.CCGP@ct.gov.