DOT Specifications for PR-1 Electronic Reporting


Connecticut Crash Data Guidelines

The guidelines include: (1) XML schema element definitions; (2) acceptance rules and warning rules; and (3) requirements for electronic submission of crash data.


Crash Report Reader, including schema (ZIP Format) This application should be internally used by RMS providers to test conformance of their e-crash software with xml and validation requirements prior to formal test submissions to the CT DOT's secure FTP site.


RMS Provider Testing and Certification Procedures for Submission of MMUCC PR-1 Electronic Crash DataThis document is intended to provide guidance to RMS providers relative to the submission of electronic MMUCC compliant PR-1 crash data in anticipation of the State’s new requirements  beginning January 1, 2015. Please review carefully to understand CT DOT's testing protocols in order for your customers to be certified to submit MMUCC 4.0 crash data electronically.


Crash Scenarios (ZIP Format containing Static PDFs) These completed electronic PR-1s represent CT DOT recommended crash scenarios that can be used in conjunction with the Crash Report Reader application for internal testing of e-crash software These scenarios will also be required to be completed by your customers and submitted to the FTP site as part of CT DOT's testing and certification process.


Additional Resources

Connecticut Crash Data Repository (CTCDR)

Link to the Current PR-1 and PR-2 Materials

Link to Training Materials




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