Crash Data Collection

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Initiatives and Programs

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) developed a Connecticut Uniform Police Crash Report (PR-1) to address a federally recognized need to modernize the State’s crash reporting system. The goal was to align Connecticut's system with national crash data guidelines, known as Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria Guideline (MMUCC), and to leverage efficiencies gained with electronic reporting. Additionally, a Connecticut Uniform Fatal Crash Supplement (PR-2) is also provided for law enforcement.

The bullets provided below are links that will direct you to various resources on this initiative as well as other related programs on crash data collection.



Crash Data and Analysis
Joseph Cristalli, CTDOT 860-594-2412

Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS)/PR2
Flavia Pereira, CTDOT 860-594-2882

FTP Site/ Crash Submission/Vendor Issues 
Robert Muzzy, CTDOT 860-594-3519

PR1 Training
Chuck Grasso, UConn – 860-486-1587

Crash Data Repository
Dr. Eric Jackson, UConn – 860-486-8426

This is a partnership between the CT DOT, the University of Connecticut (UCONN) Transportation Safety Research Center, the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC) and the federal oversight agencies, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).



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