Welcome To

Connecticut Operation Lifesaver

Connecticut's Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety and Trespass Abatement Program

Operation Lifesaver Program / Mission

Operation Lifesaver Incorporated is a non-profit national public safety education and awareness program dedicated to reducing collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings, and trespassing on or near railroad tracks.  In Connecticut, the program is administrated by the Department of Transportation under Connecticut General Statute Section 13b-376.  The program has been in effect since 1996 in Connecticut and is supported by a wide variety of partners, including federal, state and local governments and community-based organizations. 

We offer presentations for students (K-12), school bus drivers, professional drivers, new drivers and the general public.  Operation Lifesaver is the recognized national leader for railroad safety education and awareness.  There is no cost associated with this program.  Please contact Kevin Burns - State Coordinator.


Kevin Burns – CT Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator

State of CT Department of Transportation

4 Brewery Street, Building 24, New Haven, CT 06511

203-497-3381 (office) / 860-202-9023 (cell)

Email: Kevin.Burns@ct.gov

Links to more Connecticut Operation Lifesaver pages:

Safety Tips and Facts

Frequently Asked Questions

Operation Lifesaver Committee

Page Links:
