Connecticut TRAC
A Transportation & Civil Engineering Program      

Connecticut State Standards


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 The information below is taken from the Connecticut Department of Education’s, The Connecticut Framework: K-12 Curricular Goals and Standards, (March 1998) which is intended to provide a framework for thinking about the knowledge, skills and understandings that secondary students should have and what is important for students to know and be able to do.  It is the opinion of Connecticut TRAC, as indicated by a check mark next to the appropriate standard and under the appropriate TRAC PAC II heading, that many Connecticut goals and standards are, at least, minimally addressed.  The goals and standards of learning in math, technology, social studies and science are arranged by competency area and grade.

State Standards by Grade
Grade 6  (pdf) Grades 9 and 10   (pdf)
Grade 7  (pdf) Grades 11 and 12  (pdf)
Grade 8  (pdf)

Bridge Builder—the module addresses comprehensive aspects of the design and building of bridge structures.  Numerous concepts are introduced independently and then they are synthesized through a series of experimental demonstrations, hands-on projects, and computer-based simulations.

Highway Development and the Environmental—The module focuses on important issues that highway engineers, city planners, and environmental engineers often face.  Topics include particle sedimentation rates, erosion, and structures used to limit erosion.  Environmental issues such as air pollution, water quality, noise pollution, and habitat loss are also considered in highway planning.

Maglev—this module covers the educational topics of basic kinematic concepts by investigating Newton’s First and Second Laws of Motion.

Motion—This module covers the educational topics of momentum and energy conservation.   Transportation topics include automobile collision analysis, roadside crash barriers, and truck runaway crash attenuator design.

Traffic Technology—the module covers the educational topics of basic linear motion, basic circuits and Boolean logic.

Highway Safety—the module addresses issues related to the determination of local safety problems, identifies and prioritizes high-accident locations and tries to fix them.  It also illustrates the physics involved in traffic crashes.

Design and Construction—the module covers educational topics such as data visualization, goodness of fit, the law of sines, management of technology to benefit society, positive and negative impacts of transportation systems and computer algorithms.  Transportation topics include horizontal curvature, traffic flow and capacity relationships, and road location.

SIMCITY/City Planning—The module covers the educational concepts of design, problem-solving, critical thinking and group-decision-making.


