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OPM ARRA Local Pass Through Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program  
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
2009 OPM ARRA Local Pass Through Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
One hundred fifty-nine (159) Connecticut municipalities were the recipients of the Local Pass Through Justice Assistance Grants, made available though the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and administered by the State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM).
Rolling Application Due Dates (program closed)
July 08, 2009 through August 26, 2009
Applications will be accepted on a “rolling” basis:
  • Applications submitted by July 08, 2009 and subsequently approved will have a grant period of
    August 01, 2009 through December 31, 2010.
  • Applications received between July 09, 2009 and August 26, 2009 may have a start date of
    October 01, 2009 or later.
  • All grants will have an “end date” of December 31, 2010.
Purpose of the Funds
The stated purposes of the Recovery Act funds are to preserve and create jobs and promote economic
recovery; and stabilize state and local government budgets, in order to minimize and avoid reductions in
essential services and counterproductive state and local tax increases.
The grant may support eligible crime prevention, community education and law enforcement activities which will stimulate economic recovery create and preserve jobs. Funds may be used for technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, technology and information systems for criminal justice, as well as criminal justice-related research and evaluation activities.

Registration and Certification Requirements

Applicants must obtain a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number and register with the federal Central Contractor Registration (CCR) registrant database. A DUNS number is a unique number that identifies an organization and helps track the distribution of federal grant money. The CCR is a central repository of organizations which receive federal funds as a primary recipient or as sub-grantee or sub-contractor.

All local governments in Connecticut are eligible for the CT Local JAG Program. To view a PDF copy of the  allocation list, click the link below.
2009 OPM ARRA Local Pass Through Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program



2009 ARRA JAG_CT JAG Factsheet

CT ARRA JAG Factsheet

2009 ARRA JAG_ CT Local JAG Application Package

CT Local JAG  Application Package

2009 ARRA JAG_Fillable Budget JAG Budget

Fillable Budget ARRA  JAG Budget

2009 ARRA JAG_Ietter to CEO CTJAG application process May 2009

Letter to CEO CTJAG  application process May 2009



2009 ARRA JAG_Police Chiefs CTJAG Letter

Police Chiefs CTJAG  Letter

2009 ARRA JAG_Resident Trooper CTJAG Letter

Resident Trooper CTJAG Letter

2009 ARRA JAG_Time Accountability Worksheet

Time Accountability  Worksheet

2009 ARRA JAG_Property Inventory Report

Property Inventory  Report

2009 ARRA JAG_Final Financial Statement of Accountability

Final Financial  Statement of Accountability

2009 ARRA JAG_Close Out Checklist for Sub grantees

Close Out Checklist  for Sub grantees

2009 ARRA JAG_Close Out Visit Checklist

Close Out Visit  Checklist

2009 ARRA JAG_ Close Out Instructions

Close Out Instructions