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OPM JAG Local Pass Through Grant
Police Video Equipment Technology (PVET)
2013 OPM JAG Local Pass Through Grant: Police Video Equipment Technology (PVET)

Public Act 11-174, An Act Concerning the Electronic Recording of Interrogations, requires the electronic recording of interrogations in certain situations beginning on January 1, 2014.  The Office of the Chief States Attorney (OCSA), in  conjunction  with  the  Police  Officer Standards  and Training Council, the Connecticut  Police Chiefs Association  and the Connecticut State Police,  developed the standards  for a digital audiovisual  recording  system for implementation of the statute.
The State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) provided grant funds under the Police Video Equipment Technology (PVET) program to assist local governments with purchasing equipment necessary for conformance with the PA 11-174 standards.  OPM developed the grant program parameters in collaboration with the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association.
Application Deadline: December 18, 2013 (program closed)
Grant Period: Round 1: January 15, 2013 through  September 30, 2013; Round 2: April 15,2013
through December 31, 2013
Purpose Areas:
  1. Funds should be used to purchase and install video recording equipment in police custodial interrogation rooms to comply with PA 11-174.
  2. Towns may use the funds to purchase other law enforcement equipment in addition to the video equipment as long as the custodial interrogation rooms are compliant with the PA 11-174 standards.
  3. Towns may use the funds to purchase and install specific types of routers and switches to enable the transmission of data to the statewide Criminal Justice Information System through the Connecticut Public Safety Data Network (PSDN).
Grant is available to ninety-two local governments with “organized police departments” and "special police forces" as defined by C.G.S 10a-156b.
2013 JAG PVET Application Documents
2013 PVET Grant Allocations
2013 JAG PVET Town Grant Allocations
2013 PVET Grant Application Documents
2013_JAG_PVET_Summary Guidance
2013_JAG_PVET_Grant Application Instructions
2013_JAG_PVET_Eligible Equipment List
2013_JAG_PVET_Instructions for purchasing PSDN
2013_JAG_ PVET_Authorized_Signature_Form
2013_JAG_PVET_SAM CCR Verification
2013_JAG_PVET_Certification Forms_DEBAR
2013_JAG_PVET_Certification Forms_Future Costs
2013_JAG_PVET_Certification Forms_LOBBY
2013_JAG_PVET_EEO4_Affirmative Action Form
2013_JAG_PVET_Close Out Checklist for Subgrantees