This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.


OPM JAG Local Pass Through Grant

Violent Crime Prevention (VCP)


February 6, 2015

The State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) is providing grants to assist local police departments with violent crime prevention and public safety improvements.  The grant is funded by the federal Justice Assistance Formula Grant (JAG) program.

Purpose Areas

  • Reduce and prevent violent crime and gun violence

  • Reduce and prevent gang violence

  • Support and expand community policing strategies

  • Improve police response to domestic violence and sexual assault crime 

  • Improve police response to mentally ill offenders

Eligibility:   Grant is available to ninety-two local governments with “organized police departments”.

Grant AllocationFunds are allocated to municipalities based on violent crime rate (VCR).   (Please refer to attached JAG VCP ALLOCATION Chart


Quarterly Expenditure Status

Quarterly Expenditure Status by Town: Qtr. Ending: June 30, 2015

Grant Application Status

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: May 1, 2015

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: April 27, 2015

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: April 17, 2015

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: April 10, 2015

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: April 2, 2015

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: March 27, 2015

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: March 20, 2015

JAG VCP Grant Program Application Status: March 13, 2015

 Grantium Video Tutorials

  • CJPPD is creating a series of video tutorials to help Local Police Department JAG VCP Project Officers learn and understand how to navigate the Grantium GMS and how to submit the necessary forms though the system.
  • The video tutorials will be presented in two places: (1) a low resolution version accessible from the CJPPD web server and (2) a high resolution version accessible through YOU TUBE.
  • The low resolution version is made available in WMV format and should work with almost any version of Microsoft's Windows Media Player.
  • The high resolution version is hosted on YOU TUBE and made available in FLV (flash video) format.  These videos should work with almost any version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer or FireFox or Chrome.

The videos are listed on this web page: Grantium Video Tutorials


JAG 2015 VCP Grant Application Package

Please Note :

  • The application materials are due March 4, 2015.
  • Submission after March 4, 2015 may cause a delay in processing.
  • Any applications submitted after March 18, 2015 will not be processed.

Guidance and Instructions for JAG 2015 VCP Grant




JAG VCP Submission Check List

PDF; 1 page; 111KB

Submission Check List

Grant Application Rules and Requirements

MSWord; 6 page; 59KB

Rules and Requirements

JAG VCP Project Budget Instructions

PDF; 3 page; 125KB

Budget Instructions

Application Forms to Be Submitted for JAG 2015 VCP Grant






JAG VCP Grant Project Application

MS-Word doc; 7 page; 197KB


PDF Fillable; 7 page; 202KB

Application  PDF Fillable


JAG VCP Project Budget Spreadsheet

EXCEL; 6 page; 32KB

Budget Worksheet


Authorized Signature Form

PDF; 1 page; 99KB

Authorized Signature Form


Assurances and Certifications Form

PDF; 1 page; 115KB

Assurances and Certifications


Fixed Asset Control System Form

PDF; 4 page; 39KB

Fixed Asset Control System Form

6 Verification

PDF; 2 page; 160KB Verification

Body Armor Mandatory Wear Policy Certification Form




Mandatory Wear Policy Certification Form

PDF, 1 Page, 52 KB

Body Armor Mandatory Wear Policy

Distribution by Connecticut Police Chiefs Association




JAG VCP Allocation Table

PDF; 4 page; 141 KB

Allocation Table

OPM Memo to CPCA

PDF; 1 page;   52 KB

OPM Memo

Announcement JAG VCP 2015

PDF; 2 page; 162 KB


VCP Eligible Equipment List Feb 2015

PDF; 4 page;   33 KB

Eligible Equipment List

JAG 2015 VCP Instructions

PDF; 1 page; 112 KB


JAG 2015 VCP Time Line

PDF; 1 page; 102 KB

Time Line