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Connecticut Policing Jurisdictions
CT Police Jurisdictions
Reference Documents for Analyzing Crime and Staffing Statistics for State and Municipal Police Organizations
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
Uniform Crime Reports: Publications & Queriable Statistics
This web page provides access to publications and summary data from Crime In Connecticut -- the annual publication of the Connecticut Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, maintained by the Connecticut State Police Crime Analysis Unit.
Crime in Connecticut continues to be Connecticut’s most comprehensive compilation of crime data, providing detailed statistics on criminal offenses and arrests statewide. The publication’s source data are based upon monthly reporting of crime activity to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program at the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Crime in Connecticut provides police departments, administrators, legislators, advocacy groups, and the general public with important information for planning purposes. (Crime In Connecticut, 2014, Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, p.5)  

In addition to crime statistics for each municipality and special police force jurisdiction in Connecticut,  Crime In Connecticut also contains a table of the number of sworn and civilian personnel for each "organized" police force.
State Police Staffing Standards
Office of Program Review and Investigations
Connecticut General Assembly
June 2013
The study, prepared by the Office of Program Review and Investigations for the Connecticut General Assembly, examined how Connecticut State Police (CSP) staffing levels related to public and trooper safety, including response time to emergency 9-1-1 calls, crime rates, highway accidents, and assaults on officers.
Of particular interest is Chapter 3, " Changes in Municipal Police Policy and Staffing", which provides a comprehensive explanation and analysis of the State Police resident trooper program.