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Municipal Finance Advisory Commission (MFAC)

Description | Meetings | Members | Minutes & Agendas


The Municipal Finance Advisory Commission (MFAC) is a statutory, eight member body appointed by the Governor composed of four members who are municipal fiscal or executive officers, three non-public employees, and one representative from the State Office of Policy and Management (OPM).

The MFAC is responsible for reviewing proposed regulations regarding the standards for municipal audit reports and working with any municipality, referred to it by OPM, to improve the fiscal condition of that municipality.


Below is a list of meeting dates for the Municipal Finance Advisory Commission for calendar year 2020. 


Meeting Dates





Wednesday, January 22, 2020 (Special Meeting)

10:00 AM

Bd. of Regents Conference Room, 61 Woodland Street, Htfd. CT


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

10:00 AM

Bd. of Regents Conference Room, 61 Woodland Street, Htfd. CT


Wednesday, May 27, 2020
10:00 AM
Room 4A, 450 Capitol Ave. Htfd.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

10:00 AM

Room 4A, 450 Capitol Ave. Htfd.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020


10:00 AM


10:00 AM


Room 4A, 450 Capitol Ave. Htfd.

Room 4A, 450 Capitol Ave. Htfd.



Kathleen A. Clarke-Buch - Chair
Town Administrator
Town of Darien
Town Administrator's Office - Room 202
2 Renshaw Road
Darien, Connecticut 06753
Telephone: (203) 656-7378

Douglas W. Gillette - Secretary
Day Pitney LLP
242 Asylum Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
Telephone: (860) 275-0186
Fax: (860) 881-2453


Kimberly Kennison
Executive Finance Officer
Office of Finance
State of Connecticut,
Office of Policy and Management, MS# 54FIN, 450 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106-1379
Telephone: (860) 418-6422
E-mail: Kimberly.

Michael LeBlanc
Chief Finance Officer
City of Waterbury
City Hall Building
235 Grand Street, 2nd Floor Waterbury, CT 06702
Telephone: (203) 574-6840
Fax: (203) 753-6831

John H. Schuyler
Certified Public Accountant
One Financial Plaza
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
Telephone: (860) 549-8518
Fax: (860) 549-8501

Diane M. Waldron
City of Bristol
111 NorthMain Street
Bristol, Connecticut 06010
Phone: (860) 584-6127
Rebecca A. Sielman
Principal, Consulting Actuary
80 Lamberton Road
Windsor, Connecticut 06095-2126
Phone: 860-687-2110





Minutes to Prior Meetings

Official Minutes – November 13, 2008 Meeting(PDF)

Official Minutes - March 24, 2009 Meeting(PDF)

Official Minutes - May 14, 2009 Meeting (Word document)

Official Minutes - March 26, 2010 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - November 10, 2010 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - May 11, 2011 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - September 8, 2011 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - December 15, 2011 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - March 15, 2012 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - September 13, 2012 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - February 7, 2013 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - May 9, 2013 Meeting (PDF)
Official Minutes - September 12, 2013 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - February 20, 2014 Meeting (PDF)

Official Minutes - December 13, 2017 Meeting (PDF)
**In the absence of a quorum, the regular meeting of the Commission scheduled for Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. was not held.**



Official Minutes - October 10, 2018 (PDF)

Official Minutes - December 12, 2018 (PDF)

Official Minutes - January 16, 2019 (PDF)

Official Minutes - June 5, 2019  (PDF)

Official Minutes - August 7, 2019  (PDF)

Official Minutes - October 16, 2019  (PDF)

Draft Minutes - January 22, 2020   (PDF)


Agenda for Meetings

May 14, 2009 (.doc)

March 26, 2010 Agenda(.doc)

November 10, 2010 Agenda (.doc)

May 11, 2011 Agenda (.doc)

September 8, 2011 Agenda (.doc)

December 15, 2011 Agenda (.doc)

March 15, 2012 Agenda (.doc)

September 13, 2012 Agenda (.doc)

February 7, 2013 Agenda(.doc)

May 9, 2013 Agenda(.pdf)

September 12, 2013 Agenda(.pdf)

February 20, 2014 (.pdf)

May 29, 2014 (.pdf)

October 16, 2014 (.doc)

March 19, 2015 (.doc)

May 14, 2015 (.doc)

September 17, 2015 (.pdf)

December 10, 2015 (.pdf)

April 7, 2016 (.pdf)

September 15, 2016 (.doc)

April 19, 2017 (.pdf)

July 12, 2017 (.pdf)

December 13, 2017 

April 18, 2018 

October 10, 2018 

Agenda - December 12, 2018 (.PDF)
Agenda - January 16, 2019 (.PDF)

Agenda - April 17, 2019  (.PDF)

Agenda - June 5, 2019  (.PDF)

Agenda - August 7, 2019  (.PDF)

Agenda - October 16, 2019 (.PDF)

Agenda - December 11, 2019 (.PDF)

Agenda - January 22, 2020 (.PDF)

Agenda - March 18, 2020 (.PDF)

For Further Information, Please Contact:
William Plummer: phone (860) 418-6367 -

