On-Demand Systems of Professional Learning - Module 1 - Math
Module 1: Focus on Practice Standards
- Gain an initial understanding of the CCS-Math and the embedded changes and instructional shifts.
- Explore all eight of the Standards for Mathematical Practice and identified how they are related.
- Explore how practices can be clustered and examine the reasons why Practice 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them and Practice 6: Attend to precision are considered the two “umbrella” standards that describe the habits of mind of successful mathematical thinkers.
- Identify evidence of the practices, with focus on Practices 1 and 6, in CCS-aligned mathematics tasks.
- Discuss descriptors for all eight practices, and create formal grade level descriptions for Practice 1 and Practice 6.
- Explore how specific instructional strategies (e.g., questioning, engaging students in mathematical discourse, and requiring multiple representations) can help students meet major learning goals.
- Identify relevant resources for implementing the CCS-Math and create a peer support network.
- Identify ways in which coaches will share information with teachers and provide support as teachers make changes to their instructional practice.
Materials for Grades K-5
Activity | Materials |
Introductory Activity [Video] | |
Section 1 [Video] | |
Section 2 [Video] | |
Section 3 [Video] | |
Section 4 [Video] | |
Section 5 [Video] | |
Section 6 [Video] | |
Section 7 [Video] | |
Closing Activity [Video] |
Materials for Grades 6-12
Activity | Materials |
Introductory Activity [Video] | |
Section 1 [Video] | |
Section 2 [Video] | |
Section 3 [Video] | |
Section 4 [Video] | |
Section 5 [Video] | |
Section 6 [Video] | |
Section 7 [Video] | |
Closing Activity [Video] |