April 24th, 2023 Minutes - Reinvestment Committee

Read time: 3 minutes

Social Equity Council | Reinvestment Committee

Meeting Date and Time: April 24th, 2023, 9:00 AM

Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the SEC Reinvestment Committee
Meeting Location: Virtual Meeting


Recording is online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq50EnQ4zmo



1.    Call to Order and Welcome


        Committee Chairwoman Ojala Naeem called the meeting to order.


2.    Attendance


Committee Chairwoman Naeem took attendance.



        Corrie Betts

Andrea Comer

Avery Gaddis

Michael Jefferson

Ojala Naeem



Subira Gordon

Paul O. Robertson


Staff present: Ginne-Rae Clay, Executive Director, SEC; Paige Rasid, SEC


3.    NOFA Response Review – Executive Session


Chairwoman Naeem requested a motion to go into Executive Session to review the responses to the NOFA that was put out.


Motion – by Andrea Comer

Second – by Corrie Betts

               In Favor – All

               Abstentions – None


The Committee returned from Executive Session with no recommendations for the full council. 


4.    Appropriations Meetings updates


        Executive Director Clay stated she had forwarded the comments from OPM about the reinvestment plan to the full council.  It is now the council's responsibility to take those comments into consideration and submit the plan the appropriate committees when ready. 


        Chairwoman Naeem requested that a meeting be scheduled to revise the plan and go over the comments in Executive Session. 


        The meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, 2023, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.


5.    Reinvestment Committee Recommendations


        There were no recommendations.


6.    For the Good of the Order


        There were no updates.


7.    Adjourn


        Chairwoman Naeem requested a motion to adjourn.


Motion – by Avery Gaddis

Second – by Michael Jefferson


The meeting was adjourned.


Minutes are a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Minutes