April 26th, 2023 Minutes - Reinvestment Committee

Read time: 5 minutes

Social Equity Council | Reinvestment Committee

Meeting Date and Time: April 26th, 2023, 3:00 P.M.

Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the SEC Reinvestment Committee
Meeting Location: Virtual Meeting


Recording is online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SvMbe1qqsY



1.    Call to order


        Meeting was called to order by Chair Ojala Naeem at 3 p.m.


2.    Attendance


        Chair Naeem took attendance.




Andréa Comer

        Avery Gaddis

        Ojala Naeem

        Paul O. Robertson




Corrie Betts

Subira Gordon

Michael Jefferson


        Staff: Ginne-Rae Clay, Komla Matrevi


3.    NOFA Response Review – Executive Session


Chair Naeem asked for a motion to go into executive session to review and discuss the responses to SEC’s request for applications/proposals in connection with the Notice of Availability of Funding application for Community Reinvestment program.   


               Motion – by Andréa Comer

               Second – by Avery Gaddis

               In Favor – All

               Opposed - None

               Abstention – None


        The Committee entered executive session.


        Council Member Jefferson arrived and joined the executive session.  



        Chair Naeem called roll on returning from executive session.              




Andréa Comer

Avery Gaddis

Michael Jefferson

        Ojala Naeem

        Paul O. Robertson

Subira Gordon



Corrie Betts


4.    Reinvestment Committee Recommendations


        Chair Naeem asked for a motion to approve the $1M for the United Way of Coastal Fairfield in the parameters of the application that they have submitted.


               Motion – by Michael Jefferson

               Second – by Subira Gordon

               In favor – Subira Gordon, Avery Gaddis, Michael Jefferson, Ojala Naeem, Paul O. Robertson

               Opposed – None

               Abstention – Andréa Comer

               Motion passed.


Chair Naeem asked for a motion to approve the grant application by
Prosperity Foundation for $1M, focused on DIAs in New Haven.


               Motion – by Michael Jefferson

               Second – by Avery Gaddis

               In favor –Avery Gaddis, Michael Jefferson, Ojala Naeem

               Opposed – None

               Abstention – Andréa Comer, Paul O. Robertson

               Motion passed.


        Chair Naeem asked for a motion to approve the application by the
United Way of Western Connecticut for $1M.


               Motion – by Michael Jefferson

               Second – by Avery Gaddis

               In favor –Avery Gaddis, Michael Jefferson, Ojala Naeem, Paul O. Robertson

               Opposed – None

               Abstention – Andréa Comer

               Motion passed.


        Chair Naeem asked for a motion to approve the application by the
Neighborhood Housing Service of Waterbury for $1M.


               Motion – by Michael Jefferson

               Second – by Ojala Naeem

               In favor –Michael Jefferson, Ojala Naeem, Paul O. Robertson

               Opposed – None

               Abstention – Andréa Comer, Avery Gaddis, Subira Gordon

               Motion passed.


        Chair Naeem stated that recommendations for approval would be made to the Council at the next Council meeting. She asked that Executive Director Ginne-Rae Clay be prepared for questions and discussion and for her to send information to the Council before the meeting.


5.    For the Good of the Order – New Business, Updates, and Information


        Chair Naeem spoke of the review of the final proposal for the appropriations of 2024 and 2025 reinvestment dollars. She requested the committee look at it and provide comments. A discussion ensued about edits and next steps.  A new draft with recent comments will be sent to the committee.


6.    Adjourn


Chair Naeem asked for a motion to adjourn.


Motion – by Michael Jefferson

Second – by Paul O. Robertson

               In favor – All

               Opposed – None

               Motion passed.


The meeting adjourned at 4:11 PM.


Minutes are a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Minutes