April 3rd, 2023 Minutes - Reinvestment Committee

Read time: 3 minutes

Social Equity Council | Reinvestment Committee

Meeting Date and Time: April 3rd 2023, 2-3:00 P.M.

Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the SEC Reinvestment Committee
Meeting Location: Virtual Meeting


Watch the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmHrp6BYs1E&t=222s

Meeting is posted: https://egov.ct.gov/PMC/Event/Details/19330




  1. Call to Order and Welcome


    Ojala Naeem called the meeting to order.


  2. Attendance


    Corrie Betts

    Avery Gaddis

    Subira Gordon

    Michael Jefferson

    Ojala Naeem

    Paul O. Robertson


    Absent: Andréa Comer


    Staff: Ginne-Rae Clay, Executive Director, SEC; Kristina Diamond, Communications & Legislative Program Manager, SEC; Jennifer Edwards, Project Manager, SEC; Komla Matrevi, Staff Attorney, SEC; Jennifer Stevens, Associate Accountant, SEC


  3. Process of Engaging with Legislature on FY 24 Budget for Reinvestment


    Ginne-Rae Clay discussed the Community Reinvestment Plan Outline Draft for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. The Council needs to approve the plan and submit it to OPM by mid-April. OPM will submit the plan to the relevant leadership at the Legislature. Legislature will review the plan so we can have $20M for reinvestment appropriated in our budget for FY ’24. OPM had advised that the plan should identify how we will spend the $20M reinvestment funds in FY ’24 and that the plan must have enough information and specificity for the Legislature to understand the intended beneficiaries and geographic reach.


    A discussion ensued about the process of submitting the plan to OPM and upcoming meetings with Appropriations Chairs, OPM, OTG, and SEC. Ojala Naeem noted that OPM reviews the budget and narrative, but we represent ourselves with the Appropriations Committee. Kyle Abercrombie confirmed that all Departments in the State of Connecticut submit their budgets through OPM.


    A discussion ensued about the Community Reinvestment NOFA and RFQ. Suggestions from the committee included types of projects to be funded and information to include. SEC staff is working on a review guide, which will include what to do if there are conflicts of interest.


  4. Reinvestment Committee Recommendations


    No recommendations.


  5. For the Good of the Order – New Business, Updates and Information


    Chairwoman Naeem asked SEC staff for an update late next week or the week after on what is coming for the NOFA.


  6. Adjourn


Chair Naeem asked for a motion to adjourn.


Motion – by Avery Gaddis

Second – by Michael Jefferson

In Favor – All

Opposed – None

Abstentions – None

Motion passed.


The meeting adjourned at: 2:43 P.M.



Minutes are a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Minutes