December 7th, 2021 Minutes - Council Meeting

Read time: 13 minutes

Social Equity Council | Full Council Meeting

Meeting Date and Time: December 7th, 2021, 10:00am 

Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the Social Equity Council
Meeting Location: Legislative Office Building (LOB), Hearing Room 1D 300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106


Chair: Andrea Comer


CT-N streamed and recorded the meeting.  To view, visit:



Minutes - 11/2/2021

Income / Residency Requirements

Ownership and Control Requirements
Social Equity Plan Criteria

Workforce Development Plan Criteria


MINUTES will be posted here asap.


  1. Call to Order and Welcome

    Meeting was called to order by Andréa Comer at 10:01 a.m. 


  2. Attendance

    Council members present: 

    - Marilyn Alverio (attended virtually)

    - Corrie Betts

    - Andréa Comer

    - Avery Gaddis 

    - Subira Gordon (attended virtually)

    - Michael Jefferson

    - David Lehman

    - Melissa McCaw

    - Ojala Naeem (attended virtually)

    - Christine Shaw, designee for Shawn Wooden (attended virtually)

    - Edwin S. Shirley

    - Dr. Kelli Vallieres 

    - Joseph Williams 


    Council members absent:

    - Ramón Arroyo

    - Fabian Delgado


    Staff presenting:  Ginne-Rae Clay, Interim Executive Director, SEC


  3. Approval of Meeting Minutes (11/2/2021)

    Andréa Comer asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the November meeting on 11/2/21.  


    Motion -Michael Jefferson

    2nd – Edwin Shirley


    Discussion - four edits were requested. 1. Correct CT Sen. Gary Winfield’s name spelling 2. Corrie Betts was not present at the meeting 3. In the Policy report, change word finance to policy. 4. In the Finance report, note that for the bi-annual budget, the council need only recommend the budget.


    All In Favor - All.

    Nays - None

    Abstentions - None

    Motion passed


    The minutes were approved, with those changes. 


  4. Public Speaking
    • Adam Lewis, New Britain
    • Tyler Crespo, Biddeford, ME
    • Erin Dolittle, Manchester
    • Luis Vega, New Haven
    • Lueliss Correa, Hartford and Joshua Frazier, New Haven
    • Tom Antonez, New Haven
    • Andrew Allen, Bridgeport
    • Thanas Wilson, New Haven
    • Olivia Rinkes, North Stonington
    • Waterbury State Representative Geraldo Reyes, Chair of the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus


  5. Committee Reports and Call for Action

a. Finance Committee                        Christine Shaw, Chair

Christine Shaw spoke of her communications with OPM regarding funds and budgeting and spoke of the assumptions and expectations for when funds would be available from fees – license fees $8.4M and innovation fees $25M at the end of FY22, and through the two funds – the Social Equity Innovation Fund and the Prevention and Recovery Fund – both of which are expected to have no funds until after FY23.  


A discussion ensued regarding the timeline for having technical assistance available for applicants and budgets for training and technical assistance.  Melissa McCaw recommended that this council define what is needed to put the industry in place and specifically, define what technical assistance looks like. A meeting to discuss technical assistance in detail and defining the existing supports will be planned for the council. Ed Shirley spoke of the different types of learning/ technical assistance that entrepreneurs may need. 1. Assistance with the Application Process, 2. General Business Assistance, 3. Cannabis (specific) Business Assistance.


Andréa Comer stated that the 60-day deadline for the application period is adjustable.  The SEC can recommend a longer deadline to the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) which handles the application. 


SEC Executive Director, Ginne-Rae Clay spoke of her plan to have an inter-agency summit to discover resources and information about what applicants should know. Her plan is to have a series of events to deliver information in  Disproportionately Impacted Areas (DIAs) and to hold virtual office hours in the coming weeks. She also spoke of plans for a business accelerator for those that get provisional licenses. 


  b. Governance Committee                Ojala Naeem, Chair

Ojala Naeem reported that the Governance Committee spoke of the process for review of the interim Executive Director, which will start in late January and she mentioned that the SEC MOU with DECD is being worked on.


c. Outreach Committee                      Marilyn Alverio & Subira Gordon, Co-Chairs

Marilyn Alverio gave an update on the work of the committee. She spoke of the marketing strategy the group would like to work towards, and  mentioned that the group is looking forward to working with SEC staff to execute on the committee’s recommendations. 


Subira Gordon spoke of the Income and Residency Requirements work by the committee and presented the recommendations from the Outreach Committee.


i. Resolution – Approval of Income/Residency Requirements


Andréa Comer asked for a motion to accept the Income and Residency Requirements.


Motion -Subira Gordon

2nd – Ed Shirley


Discussion – Corrie Betts and other councilmembers spoke of concerns about the residency and income verification and requirements, concerns about plans for the technical assistance and outreach programs, and about the timeline for the application period.  Andréa Comer noted that the SEC can request an extension of the deadline to Department of Consumer Protection (DCP).


A friendly amendment was offered by Andréa Comer and Christine Shaw, so the motion as amended is:

Motion - approval of the Income and Residency Requirements, contingent upon DCP’s extension of the application window from 60 to 90 days and contingent on the SEC approval of the business accelerator and technical assistance program plans.


All In Favor - 

- Marilyn Alverio 

- Andréa Comer

- Avery Gaddis 

- Subira Gordon

- Michael Jefferson

- David Lehman

- Melissa McCaw

- Ojala Naeem

- Christine Shaw, designee for Shawn Wooden

- Edwin S. Shirley

- Dr. Kelli Vallieres 

- Joseph Williams 


Nays: - Corrie Betts

Abstentions - None

Motion passed


d. Policy Committee                          Edwin Shirley, Chair

Edwin Shirley reported on the work of the Policy Committee and reviewed the components of the Ownership and Control requirements for Social Equity Applicants and the Social Equity Plan Criteria.


i. Resolution – Approval of Ownership and Control Requirements

ii. Resolution – Approval of Social Equity Plan Criteria


Andréa Comer asked for a motion to accept the Social Equity Plan requirements.


Motion -Ed Shirley

2nd – Michael Jefferson


Discussion - A friendly amendment was offered by Joe Williams to include the Ownership and Control Requirements in the motion. Ed Shirley accepted the friendly amendment to the motion.


All In Favor - 

- Marilyn Alverio 

- Andréa Comer

- Avery Gaddis 

- Subira Gordon

- Michael Jefferson

- David Lehman

- Melissa McCaw

- Ojala Naeem

- Christine Shaw, designee for Shawn Wooden

- Edwin S. Shirley

- Dr. Kelli Vallieres 

- Joseph Williams 


Nays: - None


Abstentions - Corrie Betts

Motion passed


e. Workforce Committee                  Kelli-Marie Vallieres, Chair

Kelli-Marie Vallieres spoke of the work of the committee to finalize their recommendations for the Workforce Development Plan.  She reviewed the plan briefly and spoke of the criteria which, for example, will ensure that applicants are utilizing quality training programs in Connecticut, that there is a wide range of training programs that lead to jobs, and that there is a clear career ladder for workers.


i. Resolution – Approval of Workforce Development Plan Requirements


Andréa Comer asked for a motion to accept the Workforce Development Plan requirements.

Motion - Avery Gaddis

2nd – Michael Jefferson

All In Favor - 

- Marilyn Alverio 

- Andréa Comer

- Avery Gaddis 

- Subira Gordon

- Michael Jefferson

- David Lehman

- Melissa McCaw

- Ojala Naeem

- Christine Shaw, designee for Shawn Wooden

- Edwin S. Shirley

- Dr. Kelli Vallieres 

- Joseph Williams 


Nays: - None


Abstentions - Corrie Betts

Motion passed


6.   From the Executive Director            Ginne-Rae Clay, Interim Executive Director

Ginne-Rae Clay spoke of her work to add staff to the Social Equity Council.  She reported that SEC has entered into an agreement with UConn for work on the Cannabis Study. She spoke of recent outreach activities, and described several programs that she and others on the council have participated in.

7.   For the Good of the Order – New Business, Updates and Information  

Andréa Comer spoke of a new infographic poster that has been drafted and asked the council for their feedback and comments on it before it is printed and distributed.  Michael Jefferson suggested reviewing the committee structure to handle the upcoming work, such as legislation and technical assistance as the council moves forward.   

8.   Adjourn

Andréa Comer asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion -Avery Gaddis

2nd – Corrie Betts


All In Favor - All

Nays - None

Abstentions - None

Motion passed


Meeting was adjourned at 12:56 P.M.



Minutes are a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting

Meeting Minutes