January 14th, 2022 Minutes - Special Outreach Committee Meeting

Read time: 3 minutes


SOCIAL EQUITY COUNCIL | Outreach & Marketing Committee Minutes (Draft)


This was a public meeting, visit https://egov.ct.gov/PMC/Event/Details/13882 for official meeting information.

January 14, 2022
Meeting of the Outreach & Marketing Committee
Location: Microsoft TEAMS
Committee Co-Chairs: Marilyn Alverio, Subira Gordon

Members Present: A. Alverio, S. Gordon, C. Betts (joined @ 10:30) Members 
Absent: R. Arroyo

Meeting Called to Order by Cochair Alverio

Review of Goals & Objectives & Outreach Marketing Strategy of the Outreach & Marketing Committee

Discussion on SEA Income & Residency Requirements

Co-Chair Subira Gordon – Added language, Record of Account Transcript Language looks fine 

Conversation Ensued

Co-Chair Alverio stated in November we pulled a document together awaiting Jennifer to come on staff. Describe charge given to us. Develop website and advertise application processes and procedures.
We’ve received concerns from the public on where to find information. Conversation ensued.

Ginne-Rae Clay: SEC has a website which has already been established. We will be bringing on someone who will manage the website.

Corey Betts: Who created the Website?

Ginne-Rae Clay: This is a State Website that was here when I got here. Develop means further develop website which is already here.

Conversation ensued.

Co-Chair Alverio recommended that the question’ s going to SEC Email need to be answered. Someone needs to be answering all these questions that have already been presented. Cochair Alverio also asked about the status of the outreach webinars? What is timeline for same?

Ginne-Rae Clay: No timeline yet, working with DCP to develop content. Co-Chair Subira Gordon:  What is date someone can apply for a license?

Ginne-Rae Clay: I believe applications should be ready 1ST WEEK OF February, the exact date is unclear as of now.

Co-Chair Subira Gordon: Would recommend Marilyn, Corey & Myself can give a document showing what needs to be on the website.

Conversation ensued.

Co-Chair Alverio: Cannabis website, where are we on hiring? 

Ginne-Rae Clay: Requested position to be approved and funded

Cochair Alverio: Regarding the application process, who creates the questions? 

Ginne-Rae Clay: Me

Co-Chair Alverio: When will technical assistance be up and running? 

Ginne-Rae Clay: Working with DCP. Awaiting availability of their staff Conversation ensued.

Co-Chair Alverio: Vote on Recommended Vision and Vote on Goals

Corey Betts: Yes

Co-Chair Subira Gordon: Yes

All In Favor: Co-Chair Alverio, Corey Betts, Subira Gordon 
Nays: None
Opposed: None

Co-Chair Alverio: Outreach & Marketing Committee Name Change 

All In Favor:
Co-Chair Alverio: Yes
Corey Betts: Yes
Co-Chair Subira Gordon: Yes

Nays: None 
Opposed: None

Co-Chair Subira Gordon: Do we need to vote on speeding up of the Website? Does it need approval of Full Council?

Ginne-Rae Clay: It would be within your duties; council does not need approval of Full Council. Hiring a Marketing Firm would need to be approved by Full Council.
Co-Chair Alverio: Would like to bring up attendance for Council Meetings. If folks are not attending and seems if you are on the Committee, you should be attending the meetings.

Co-Chair Subira Gordon: It is not fair if you are on a committee and not attending the meetings

Ginne-Rae Clay: Council says all are volunteers and if not attending no action taken for people who miss meetings.

Co-Chair Alverio: I will not be at the February meeting; I will be out of the country. 
Co-Chair Alverio: Called for Adjournment
Corrie Betts: So, moved
Co-Chair Subira Gordon: 2ND Motion

Next Meeting: March 11, 2022

Meeting Minutes are a Draft until approved at a subsequent meeting


Meeting Minutes