January 20, 2022 Minutes Finance Committee

Read time: 2 minutes


January 20, 2022

Special Meeting of the Finance Committee of the Social Equity Council
1:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Microsoft TEAMS 


Chair: Christine Shaw
Members: Melissa McCaw, David Lehman, Edwin Shirley, Joe Williams, Christine Shaw



Committee Members in Attendance via Electronic Device: Christine Shaw, Melissa McCaw, Ed Shirley, Kyle Abercrombie, Joe Williams
Council & Additional Members in Attendance via electronica device: Sharon Hamilton, Ginne-Rae Clay


1. Welcome & Call to Order
Committee Chair, Christine Shaw, called the meeting to order at 11:36 am and took attendance by roll call, confirmed the existence of a quorum.


2. Review & Approval of October 21, 2021, Meeting Minutes
Minutes not reviewed during this meeting.


3. Consideration of Proposed Budget Adjustments for Fiscal Year 2023

Ms. Shaw provided the proposed budget via screen share.

The items highlighted are as follows:
• Expenses including fringe will be in the vicinity of $5.7M, which does not include technical assistance
• Total expenses for both the workforce development and administrative expenses for the Social Equity Council stent staff stands at $10.8M.
• Cannabis regulatory investment account that will capture license fees
• Summary of expenditures is estimated at $31.3M

Ms. Shaw asked the committee for a motion to approve the recommendations for adjustments to the current fiscal year budget. Ed Shirley motioned, and Melissa McCaw seconded that motion. None were opposed, none abstained. The motion carried.

Ms. Shaw asked for a call to recommend the budget to the full council for the 2023 fiscal year. All were in favor, none were opposed, the motion carried.


4. Adjournment
Ms. Shaw asked the committee for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Shirley motioned, Ms. McCaw seconded. None were opposed. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at (34 minutes)



Minutes are a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Minutes