July 20, 2022 Minutes - Workforce Committee

Read time: 2 minutes

Social Equity Council | Workforce Committee

Meeting Date and Time: July 20, 2022, 2:00 - 3:00 P.M.
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting of the SEC Workforce Committee


Location: Microsoft TEAMS


Committee Chair:  Kelli-Marie Vallieres


Members Present: Andrea Comer, Avery Gaddis,

Members Absent: Ramon Arroyo,

Staff:  Ginne-Rae Clay (SEC), Komla Matrevi (SEC), Jennifer Edwards (SEC), Kristina Diamond (SEC), Anthony Barrett (OWS)


Call to order    Meeting was called to order at 2:04 pm


Chairwoman Vallieres asked for a vote to move into executive session.


Motion made by Avery Gaddis

Seconded by Kelli-Marie Vallieres

All in favor – All


Chairwoman Vallieres asked Executive Director, Clay, to call the roll.


Chairwoman Vallieres confirmed the vote to move into executive session.


  • All members entered the executive session.


  • All members return from the executive session.


Chairwoman Vallieres indicated the committee had reviewed the workforce development plan proposal from CohnReznick.  The committee will recommend CohnReznick to the full council to be the reviewer of workforce plans. The committee recommends a contract to review up to 50 plans.


Chairwoman Vallieres asked for a vote to make the recommendation to the full council?


Motion made by Avery Gaddis

Seconded by Andrea Comer

All in favor – All


The Committee also discussed the process of making information regarding workforce plans available to the Social Equity Council.  The council will receive information in the same format as the application review process (summary report and a determination report).


Director Clay indicated that upon approval of a contract with CohnReznick, she would hold similar weekly meetings as needed to allow council members to understand the review process and answer questions that may arise regarding the workforce plan review process.  


The committee also decided to adopt a quarterly meeting schedule, using the currently scheduled meeting as needed. 


Chairwoman Vallieres asked for a motion to approve the May meeting minutes.


Motion made by Avery Gaddis

Seconded by Chairwoman Vallieres

All in favor – All


Motion Carried.


Chairwoman Valleries asked for a motion to adjourn.


Motion made by Andrea Comer to adjourn the meeting

Seconded by Chairwoman Vallieres

All in favor – All


Meeting adjourned at 2:34 PM



These meeting minutes are draft until approved at the next committee meeting.



Meeting Minutes