June 10th, 2022 Minutes Outreach & Marketing Committee

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SOCIAL EQUITY COUNCIL |   Outreach Committee Minutes

June 10, 2022

Meeting of the Outreach Committee

Location: Microsoft TEAMS

Committee Co-Chairs:  Marilyn Alverio, Subira Gordon

Members Present: Marilyn Alverio, Corrie Betts and Subira Gordon

Staff:  Ginne-Rae Clay (SEC), Kristina Diamond (SEC), Jennifer Edwards (SEC), Crystal Morris-Crenshaw (SEC)

Guests:  Andréa Comer (DCP), Wilson Camelo and Mercedes S.

Call to order    Co-Chair Alverio called to order at 10:03am

Co-Chair Alverio asked for a motion to approve the April meeting minutes.

Motion made by Corrie Betts

Seconded by Marilyn Alverio

All in favor – All

Motion passed

Co-Chair Alverio asked for a motion to go into executive session to discuss strategic marketing proposals.

Motion made by Corrie Betts

Seconded by Marilyn Alverio

The committee went into executive session at 10:36am

The committee came back to regular session at 10:45am

Camelo Communications presented 4 logos.  Co-chair Alverio asked for a motion to present concept number 3 and concept number 4 with variations to the July council meeting.

Motion made by Corrie Betts

Seconded by Marilyn Alverio

All in favor – All

Motion passed

Director Clay stated Camelo Communications has conducted input sessions with council members. Co-chair Alverio asked Wilson Camelo to brief the committee on the input sessions. 

Wilson Camelo gave a summary of the input sessions. He also stated he was able to secure URL for Social Equity Council.

Discussion Ensued.

Co-Chair Alverio ask for a motion to adjourn.

Motion made by Corrie Betts

Seconded by – Marilyn Alverio


Meeting adjourned at 10:55am

Meeting Minutes