October 21st, 2021 Minutes Policy Committee

Read time: 5 minutes


October 21, 2021
Special Meeting of the Policy Committee of the Social Equity Council
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location: Microsoft TEAMS


  1. Call to order
  2. Review of Goals & Objectives of the Policy Committee
  3. Update on Equity (Diversity) Plans
  4. Policy and Procedure Updates
  5. Recommendations to the Full Council
  6. Adjournment

Meeting materials: Social Equity Applicant Ownership draft document 

Chair: Edwin Shirley
Members: Subira Gordon, Michael Jefferson, Ojala Naeem, Edwin Shirley, Joe Williams




Ed Shirley called Roll

Attendees:  Ed Shirley, Ojala Naeem, Subira Gordon, Michael Jefferson

Absent:  Joe Williams

Ginnie-Rae Clay has a Family Matter – she will join as soon as she can

1st Thing – Summarize responsibility of Policy Committee –

Rec Criteria/Social Equity Status//Dev Policy Rec/Recommend Criteria/Compliance Guidance

PG 2

Minutes Cont’d.


Asking us to focus on Ownership Documentation & Control.  Look at definitions at back of document.  That will help us as we talk about control/ownership


Edwin Shirley – Has everyone reviewed the document?  This is a draft. https://portal.ct.gov/socialequitycouncil/-/media/Social-Equity-Council/Meeting-Files/SOCIAL-EQUITY-APPLICANT-OWNERSHIP--CONTROL.docx 

 We are to make recommendations.  All these documents need to be required.  Would like your opinion.


Ojala:  Want to Level Set this to be as part of application process & to get better sense of structure.  DPC is putting together one application.  Will be an addenda.


Michael:  The list provided to us, was this borrowed from a Best Practice?

Ginnie-Rae:  This is my list.  I pulled together this list from various agencies I worked at in the past.  Also confirmed with a Cannabis Attorney information we should be looking at and looking for.

Michael:  Too many applications, we need to weed out those that don’t make cut.  What should go first?

Ginnie-Rae:  One application for all who want to get in.  Lottery will send us applications…We will decide if truly SEC Application.  If not will kick back to DPC

Subira:  Document looks really good.  Are we asking for Business plans?

Ginnie-Rae:  You have in email with residency & income documents

Michael:  Requirements for Non Social Equity, some overlap.  Will it be a requirement for anyone looking for State License to sell cannabis?

Ginnie-Rae:  I believe Yes…..This is what you have to have to be licensed in CT

Subira:  Is this for the driver who wants to deliver cannabis?

Ginnie-Rae:  All information that’s applicable….Driver will have to set as a corp…..Look at Corp Book…..all will be taken into consideration.  Not applicable to you we will not be looking for it.

Subira:  What is our plan to help for Business Development to start a Corporation.  As a council what are we doing?  Don’t want to miss that population.

Ginnie-Rae:  We are providing Workshops/Training.  Website component will be another place we provide guidance. 

Ed Shirley:  Look at definitions on back of form.  Each applicant will need to avail themselves with an Attorney.  Accelerated program will be very helpful to anyone aspiring to get into this business.


Subira:  Wait to make sure we put this out there?

Ginnie-Rae:  Month of November scheduling Town Hall Mtgs, Webinars, etc.  Posting things on the Website.  Would be hesitant to dig deep in helping with this as we are accepting applications and they can say you helped me put together??  There are many organizations out there to help with that.

Ed Shirley:  Personal Interviews, members of SEC should sit in 30 Minute Interviews.  Other SEC Staff do Interviews 

If applicant is turned down should have a 3 Member Panel for appeal.  I like appeal process.

Ginnie-Rae:  Not call it an appeal process, call it review process.  When denied, you can ask why & take opportunity to correct it.

Andrea:  Unsure if they can come in again, will circle back

Subira:  Should we follow what DCP does?

Andrea:  Will get that information as well.

Ed Shirley:  Things will apply for SEC might disqualify as a cannabis liscense holder.  Review will be a good thing to have in place.

Andrea:  Department does not use a lottery – still questioning

Ed Shirley:  List for ownership & control pulled from dispensaries that currently exist?  List is through, would give us what we need to qualify.  Do we need to recommend to Council?

Andrea:  Yes

Ed Shirley:  Do we need to take a Vote

Andrea:  Yes Motion

Subira:  2ND Motion

Ed Shirley:  Any discussion or further questions?

Subira:  Document needs to be presented SEC joint application and control and then the definition so its clear what were reviewing.  At Comm Mtg would recommend language more equitably accessible to all.  Make one clean document.

Ed Shirley:  Document present to Council would not include residency and income.

Ginnie-Rae:  Truly falls under policy will speak with Subira.

Ed Shirley:  All those in favor say I…………..

All Said I

Ed Shirley:  Any opposition


Mtg. Adjourned


This is a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Minutes