September 1st, 2021 Minutes - Policy Committee

Read time: 2 minutes



Special Meeting of the Policy Committee


September 1, 2021

11 A.M. – Noon

Location: Microsoft TEAMS



  1. Call to order
  2. Introduction of Committee Members and other Attendees
  3. Policy Committee Responsibilities and Timeline
  4. Immediate Items to Address
  5. Discussion of RFP for Social Equity Study and Proposed Recommendations
  6. Next Steps
  7. Adjournment


1. Call to order

Ed Shirley, chair of the committee, called the meeting to order.

2. Introduction of Committee Members and other Attendees


• Subira Gordon

• Michael Jefferson

• Ojala Naeem

• Ed Shirley (chair)

• Joe Williams

Staff attending: Ginne-Rae Clay, ED, Social Equity Council and Andréa Comer, chair of the Social Equity Council

3. Policy Committee Responsibilities and Timeline

Chair, Ed Shirley reviewed the charge to the committee:


“The policy committee shall develop recommendations regarding the substance of Council programs. In the short term, the committee will recommend criteria for the social equity study RFP, and may also develop compliance guidance regarding business structure for social equity ownership and managerial control.”

Discussion ensued.

4. Immediate Items to Address

Andréa Comer shared the timeline for the SEC .

5. Discussion of RFP for Social Equity Study and Proposed Recommendations

Discussion about the RFP ensued.  There was agreement that the RFP draft covers the requirements and concerns well.

Ed Shirley asked for a motion that the committee recommend the RFP draft as written and recommend to the council that Joe Williams made the motion, Ojala Naeem seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

6. Next Steps

Joe Williams expressed concern about keeping to the timeline and asked if the full council will meet again outside of the full meeting schedule in September, to stay on the timeline.  Andrea Comer stated that the next meeting will be on 9/7, but there will likely be other meetings depending on how that meeting goes.

7. Adjournment

Ojala Naeem made a motion to adjourn, Joe Williams seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Minutes