September 7th, 2021 Minutes - Council Meeting

Read time: 5 minutes

Minutes from the September 7th, 2021 meeting

Meeting materials are available below:

To view the full meeting video recording on CT-N, click here.

To view the Draft RFP for the Social Equity Study, click here.





September 7, 2021 Special Meeting 10 a.m.

Legislative Office Building (LOB), Hearing Room 1E

300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106


This meeting was recorded by CT-N - To watch, visit: 
(direct link:




  1. Call to order and welcome
  2. Attendance
  3. Approval of August 5 Council Meeting Minutes (Draft)
  4. Introduction of ED
  5. Presentation of 6-month milestones
  6. Committee discussion (review of responsibilities, identification of chairs)
  7. Discussion: Requirements for study RFP/Resolution: Policy committee to provide recommendations to Council





A special meeting of the Social Equity Council was held in person on September 7, 2021.


1.         Call to Order and Welcome


Andrea Comer, Chairperson of the Council, noting the presence of a quorum, called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m. 


2.         Attendance

Council members present: 

Subira Gordon

Michael Jefferson

Ojala Naeem

Edwin S. Shirley

Corrie Betts

Avery Gaddis, attended virtually

Joseph Williams 

Dr. Kelli Vallieres 

Marilyn Alverio, attended virtually

Christine Shaw, designee for Shawn Wooden

Melissa McCaw

Andréa Comer

Glendowlyn Thames, designee for David Lehman


Staff attending/ presenting:  Ginne-Rae Clay, Exec. Director, SEC and Rodrick J. Marriott, PharmD, Director, Drug Control Division, Dept. of Consumer Protection


Andréa Comer, asked for a motion to amend the agenda with the following changes:

Item 4 amended to State introduction of interim executive director, Item 5 to State presentation of six-month milestones and the pathways to licensure process, Item 6 to State committee reports and recommendations, to allow for recommendations and reports from all committees and will include number 7.   Ojala Naeem moved the motion.


Discussion on the motion ensued. 


Christine Shaw, put forward an amendment to the motion:

Subject to the proviso, that the council make no action on the recommendations until they have been properly noticed to the public, that any new recommendations be taken up in the next meeting.  Andréa Comer accepted the amendment.


Christine Shaw made the motion as amended.  Michael Jefferson, seconded the motion.

The motion passed as amended, unanimously.


3.         Approval of August 5 Council Meeting Minutes (Draft)


Subira Gordon made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Michael Jefferson.  Glendowlyn Thames abstained.  The motion passed unanimously.


4.         Introduction of Interim ED


Andréa Comer introduced Ginne-Rae Clay, interim executive director of the Social Equity Council.


5.         Presentation of 6-month milestones and pathways to licensure


Rodrick J. Marriott, PharmD, Director, Drug Control Division presented the license types available through the legislation and what the application and lottery process might be and the definitions of the types of licensees.


A discussion ensued.


6. Committee discussion (review of responsibilities, identification of chairs) and discussion of requirements for study RFP/ Resolution: Policy committee to provide recommendations to Council


The committee chairs reviewed their tasks ahead and gave brief reviews of their work. 


Finance Committeee chair, Christine Shaw

Governance Committee chair, Ojala Naeem

Outreach Committee co-chairs, Marilyn Alverio/Subira Gordon

Policy Committee chair, Ed Shirley

Workforce Committee chair, Kelli Vallieres


A discussion ensued.


Ojala Naeem spoke of her group’s intention to hold working groups.  Christine Shaw suggested that the committee consult with FOI on the intention to hold working groups.  Andrea Comer noted that there will be FOI and Ethics training for the council.  Glendowlyn Thames mentioned that there can be a hybrid model of committees and working groups that can be effective.


Melissa McCaw suggested a standing item for future SEC meetings to allow for an update by the interim executive director.


Ed Shirley, policy committee chair, reported that the group met and reviewed the RFP and the policy committee recommends that the SEC takes the RFP as written and publish it. Avery Gaddis made the motion. The motion was seconded by Ojala Naeem. A discussion ensued. 


Marilyn Alverio, co-chair of the Outreach committee recommended that the Cultural Competency weighting be increased and defined. 


Melissa McCaw made a motion to table the motion to approve the RFP so that RFP draft be reconsidered by the policy committee and take the recommendation under advisement and that the SEC meet again to consider the RFP. 


Discussion about timing ensued and Andréa Comer addressed timing concerns, and suggested that the policy committee meet within the next week, followed by a special meeting of the council to reconsider the RFP draft. 


Christine Shaw seconded the motion to table the motion to approve the RFP. Joseph Williams and Michael Jefferson abstained.  The motion passed.




A motion to adjourn was made by Avery Gaddis.  Joseph Williams seconded.  The motion passed.



Minutes are a draft until approved at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Minutes