News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation



Study to Evaluate Feasibility of a Multi-Use Trail on the Merritt Parkway Corridor to Begin

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is beginning a study to evaluate the feasibility of a Multi-Use Trail along the Merritt Parkway corridor.


New Rail Fare Schedules Available for Metro North New Haven Line and Shore Line East

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) has approved new rail fares for the New Haven Commuter Line, effective January 1, 2012. Please see tables below for details. The fares must still be approved by Metro-North/MTA, which operates the New Haven Line under a contract with the DOT.



Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced the award of $5 million to 11 cities, towns and regional planning organizations around the state for the planning and facilitation of “transit-oriented development” (TOD) projects – work aimed at better linking communities and their transportation infrastructure, such as rail and bus stations.


Connecticut DOT: No Rail or Bus Service Cuts; ‘Modest’ Fare Increases to Take Effect January 1, 2012

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) announced today that it will not make any cuts in commuter rail and bus service and that it is initiating a series of modest fare increases beginning January 1, 2012 – the first in seven years. In addition, the DOT announced that monthly half-price bus passes will be available to senior citizens and people with disabilities, also on January first.


New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Rail Program Fall Newsletter is Now Available

The fall edition of the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Rail Program newsletter is now available - hyperlink included.


Putnam Bridge to Get Walkway

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) today announced that a 6-foot-wide pedestrian walkway will be added to the Putnam Bridge, which carries Route 3 over the Connecticut River between Glastonbury and Wethersfield.


M-8 Bike Rack Demonstration Scheduled

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) will demonstrate new bicycle rack prototypes on the new M-8 rails cars on Thursday (September 15, 2011) at Union Station in New Haven. Bicycle advocates have been invited and are encouraged to bring their bikes to the event and try out the racks for themselves.


Safe Routes "Back to School"

As Connecticut’s children head back to school this week and in the coming weeks, the Connecticut Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to take extra precaution when travelling in school zones.


Notice of Cancellation of the Comment Period Regarding Scenic Roads: Routes 148 & 160

Notice is hereby given that the previously noticed comment period concerning the alteration of scenic roads, routes 148 and 160, is cancelled.


Public Hearings Scheduled for Bus and Rail Fare Increases and Service Reductions

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will hold public hearings in six communities to receive comments on proposed rail and bus fare increases and service reductions.


Connecticut Department of Transportation and Metro-North Railroad to Host Customer Forum on August 18, 2011

Connecticut Department of Transportation Acting Commissioner James Redeker and Metro-North Railroad President Howard Permut will host a public Customer Forum on Thursday, August 18, 2011, to discuss the recent rail disruption that occurred on the New Haven Line on July 22, 2011.


Route 11 Financial Study to Begin this Month Including the Distribution of Driver Surveys at Various Locations in Southeast Connecticut

Beginning the week of August 8, 2011, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (Connecticut DOT) will begin collecting data and performing traffic studies as part of a traffic, tolling and revenue study in support of the extension of the Route 11 Expressway through Salem, Montville, East Lyme and Waterford.


Governor Dannel P. Malloy Proclaims May 26th “Walk it Bike It to School Day”

Governor Dannel Malloy has officially proclaimed May 26, 2011 as “Walk It Bike It to School Day” to encourage all citizens to consider the safety and health of Connecticut’s children.


Apprentice Marine Pilot Training and Certification Program Solicitation of Applicants

As authorized by the Connecticut General Statute Sec 15-13 and detailed in Sections 15-15a-6 and 15-15a-7 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation is soliciting applications from qualified mariners interested in applying for the Connecticut Apprentice Marine Pilot Training and Certification Program.


Safe Routes to School Program Open Call for Infrastructure Applications

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing a call for project applications for federal fiscal years 2010-11, Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Infrastructure Program. Approximately $2.0 million dollars in funding is available this funding cycle.


North Haven School Logs 375 Miles to Win First Leg of the Walk It Bike It to School, Connecticut! Contest

The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program is pleased to announce that Ridge Road Elementary is the first school to complete the first component of the Walk It Bike It To School, Connecticut! Contest.

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