Division I General | Division II Incidental Construction  

Division II  Traffic | Division III  Materials


Bullet gif Section 2.01 Clearing and Grubbing
Bullet gif Section 2.02 Roadway Excavation, Formation of Embankment and Disposal of Surplus Material
Bullet gif Section 2.03 Structure Excavation
Bullet gif Section 2.04 Cofferdam and Dewatering
Bullet gif Section 2.05 Trench Excavation
Bullet gif Section 2.06 Ditch Excavation
Bullet gif Section 2.07 Borrow
Bullet gif Section 2.08 Free-Draining Material
Bullet gif Section 2.09 Subgrade
Bullet gif Section 2.10 Water Pollution Control (Soil Erosion)
Bullet gif Section 2.12 Subbase
Bullet gif Section 2.13 Granular Fill
Bullet gif Section 2.14 Compacted Granular Fill
Bullet gif Section 2.15 Soil Loading Test
Bullet gif Section 2.16 Pervious Structure Backfill
Bullet gif Section 2.18 Sedimentation Control Bales
Bullet gif Section 2.19 Sedimentation Control System
Bullet gif Section 3.02 Rolled Granular Base
Bullet gif Section 3.03 Concrete Base
Bullet gif Section 3.04 Processed Aggregate Base
Bullet gif Section 3.05 Processed Aggregate


Bullet gif Section 4.01 Concrete Pavement
Bullet gif Section 4.03 Cold Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
Bullet gif Section 4.06 Bituminous Concrete
Bullet gif Section 4.11 Rolled Bank Gravel Surface
Bullet gif Section 4.13 Traffic Bound Gravel Surface
Bullet gif Section 4.14 Bituminous Surface Treatment
Bullet gif Section 4.15 Pressure Relief Joint
Bullet gif Section 5.01 General Clauses
Bullet gif Section 5.02 Temporary Crossings
Bullet gif Section 5.03 Removal of and Alterations to Existing Bridges
Bullet gif Section 5.04 Railroad Protection
Bullet gif Section 5.06 Retaining Walls, End walls and Steps
Bullet gif Section 5.07 Cach Basins, Manholes and Drop Inlets
Bullet gif Section 5.08 Shear Connectors
Bullet gif Section 5.09 Welded Studs
Bullet gif Section 5.13 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Pipe
Bullet gif Section 5.14 Prestressed Concrete Members
Bullet gif Section 5.21 Elastomeric Bearing Pads
Bullet gif Section 5.22 Elastomeric Compression Seal
Bullet gif Section 6.01 Concrete for Structures
Bullet gif Section 6.02 Reinforcing Steel
Bullet gif Section 6.03 Structural Steel
Bullet gif Section 6.05 Masonry Facing
Bullet gif Section 6.06 Cement Rubble Masonry
Bullet gif Section 6.07 Dry Rubble Masonry
Bullet gif Section 6.09 Repointed Masonry
Bullet gif Section 6.11 Shotcrete
Bullet gif Section 6.12 Concrete Cylinder Curing Box
Bullet gif Section 6.51 Culverts
Bullet gif Section 6.52 Culvert Ends
Bullet gif Section 6.53 Clean Existing Drainage System