Division I General | Division II  Construction 

Division II Incidental Construction | Division III  Materials

bullet gif Section 10.00 General Clauses for Highway Illumination and Traffic Signal Projects
bullet gif Section 10.01 Trenching and Backfilling
bullet gif Section 10.02 Light Standard and Traffic Control Foundations
bullet gif Section 10.03 Light Standards
bullet gif Section 10.04 Roadway Luminaire
bullet gif Section 10.06 Underbridge Luminaire
bullet gif Section 10.08 Electrical Conduit
bullet gif Section 10.09 Cast Iron Junction Box
bullet gif Section 10.10 Concrete Handhole
bullet gif Section 10.11 102 Millimeter Drain Pipe
bullet gif Section 10.12 Single Conductor
bullet gif Section 10.14 Cable In Duct
bullet gif Section 10.15 Grounding Conductor
bullet gif Section 10.17 Service Entrance and Cabinet
bullet gif Section 10.18 Navigation Light
bullet gif Section 11.01 Pole Anchor
bullet gif Section 11.02 Pedestals
bullet gif Section 11.03 Span Pole
bullet gif Section 11.04 Mast Arm Assembly
bullet gif Section 11.05 Traffic Signals
bullet gif Section 11.06 Pedestrian Signal
bullet gif Section 11.07 Pedestrian Push Button
bullet gif Section 11.08 Controllers
bullet gif Section 11.10 Pressure-Sensitive Vehicle Detector
bullet gif Section 11.11 Loop Vehicle Detector and Sawcut
bullet gif Section 11.12 Magnetic Vehicle Detector
bullet gif Section 11.13 Control Cable
bullet gif Section 11.14 Messenger and Span Wire
bullet gif Section 11.15 Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit
bullet gif Section 11.16 Illuminated Signs
bullet gif Section 11.17 Alternate Flashing Signals for Warning Signs
bullet gif Section 11.18 Removal and/or Relocation of Traffic Signal Equipment
bullet gif Section 11.30 High Mounted Internally Illuminated Flashing Arrow
bullet gif Section 11.31 Changeable Message Sign Remote Controlled Changeable Message Sign
bullet gif Section 12.00 General Clauses For Highway Signing
bullet gif Section 12.01 Overhead Sign Support
bullet gif Section 12.02 Overhead Sign Support Foundation
bullet gif Section 12.03 Side Mounted Sign Foundation
bullet gif Section 12.04 Sign Panel Overlay
bullet gif Section 12.05 Delineators
bullet gif Section 12.06 Removal Of Existing Signing Removal Of Existing Overhead Signing
bullet gif Section 12.07 Sign Face-Extruded Aluminum Type III Reflective Sheeting
bullet gif Section 12.08 Sign Face--Sheet Aluminum
bullet gif Section 12.09 Painted Pavement Markings
bullet gif Section 12.10 Epoxy Resin Pavement Markings, Symbols And Legends
bullet gif Section 12.11 Removal Of Pavement Markings
bullet gif Section 12.12 Temporary Plastic Pavement Marking Tape
bullet gif Section 12.14 Preformed Black Line Mask Pavement Marking Tape
bullet gif Section 12.15 Tubular Sign Support Structure
bullet gif Section 12.16

Black Epoxy Resin Pavement Markings Black Epoxy Resin Symbols And Legends

bullet gif Section 12.20

Overhead Sign Support Foundation Type III Reflective Sheeting

bullet gif Section 13.00 Utilities
bullet gif Section 14.00 Utilities
bullet gif Section 15.00 Utilities
bullet gif Section 16.00 Utilities
bullet gif Section 18.00 General Clauses Impact Attenuation Systems
bullet gif Section 18.01 Repair Of Impact Attenuation Systems
bullet gif Section 18.02 Type A--Impact Attenuation System
bullet gif Section 18.03 Type B--Impact-Attenuation System
bullet gif Section 18.04 Type C--Impact-Attenuation System
bullet gif Section 18.06 Type D Portable Impact-Attenuation System
bullet gif Section 18.07 Temporary Impact Attenuation System