Division I General | Division II  Construction 

Division II  Traffic | Division III  Materials

bullet gif Section 7.02 Piles
bullet gif Section 7.03 Riprap
bullet gif Section 7.04 Gabions
bullet gif Section 7.05 Slope Paving
bullet gif Section 7.07

Membrane Waterproofing (Woven Glass Fabric)

bullet gif Section 7.08 Dampproofing
bullet gif Section 7.11 Concrete Crib Retaining Wall
bullet gif Section 7.13 Permanent Steel Sheet Piling
bullet gif Section 7.14 Temporary Sheet Piling
bullet gif Section 7.15 Sheet Piling Material Left in Place
bullet gif Section 7.25 Bagged Stone
bullet gif Section 7.28 Crushed Stone for Slope Protection
bullet gif Section 7.29 Sedimentation Bowls
bullet gif Section 7.30 Granite Block Slope Protection
bullet gif Section 7.32 Concrete BlockSlope Protection
bullet gif Section 7.51 Underdrain and Outlets
bullet gif Section 7.55 Geotextile
bullet gif Section 8.03 Paved Ditches and Channels
bullet gif Section 8.11 Concrete Curbing
bullet gif Section 8.12 Doweled Concrete Curbing
bullet gif Section 8.13 Stone Curbing
bullet gif Section 8.14 Reset Stone Curbing
bullet gif Section 8.15 Bituminous Concrete Lip Curbing
bullet gif Section 8.16 Granite Slope Curbing
bullet gif Section 8.17 Granite Stone Curbing for Bridges
bullet gif Section 8.18 Protective Compound for Bridges
bullet gif Section 8.19 Penetrating Sealer Protective Compound
bullet gif Section 8.21 Precast Concrete Barrier Curb
bullet gif Section 8.22 Temporary Precast Concrete Barrier Curb
bullet gif Section 9.04 Metal Bridge Rail
bullet gif Section 9.05 Stone Wall Fence
bullet gif Section 9.06 Wire Fence
bullet gif Section 9.07 Barways
bullet gif Section 9.08 Farm Wall Fence
bullet gif Section 9.10 Metal Beam Rail
bullet gif Section 9.11 Metal Beam Rail Anchorages
bullet gif Section 9.12 Remove and Reset Posts, Cable Guide Rail and Metal Beam Rail
bullet gif Section 9.13 Chain Link Fence
bullet gif Section 9.14 Metal Handrail
bullet gif Section 9.15 Tree Root Protection
bullet gif Section 9.16 Noise Barrier Wall
bullet gif Section 9.18 Three-Cable Guide Railing (I-Beam Posts) and Anchorages
bullet gif Section 9.21 Concrete Sidewalks
bullet gif Section 9.22 Bituminous Concrete Sidewalk, Bituminous Concrete Driveway
bullet gif Section 9.23 Bituminous Concrete for Patching
bullet gif Section 9.24 Concrete Ramps
bullet gif Section 9.25 Pavement for Railing
bullet gif Section 9.30 Object Marker
bullet gif Section 9.39 Sweeping for Dust Control
bullet gif Section 9.41 Service Bridges
bullet gif Section 9.42 Calcium Chloride for Dust Control
bullet gif Section 9.43 Water for Dust Control
bullet gif Section 9.44 Topsoil
bullet gif Section 9.45 Wildflower Establishment
bullet gif Section 9.46 Liming
bullet gif Section 9.47 Bus Passenger Shelter
bullet gif Section 9.49 Furnishing, Planting and Mulching Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Groundcover Plants
bullet gif Section 9.50 Turf Establishment
bullet gif Section 9.51 Rock Excavation for Planting
bullet gif Section 9.52 Selective Clearing and Thinning
bullet gif Section 9.53 Sodding
bullet gif Section 9.70 Trafficperson
bullet gif Section 9.71 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic
bullet gif Section 9.73 Safety Patrol Service
bullet gif Section 9.74 Removal of Existing Masonry
bullet gif Section 9.75 Mobilization
bullet gif Section 9.76 Barricade Warning Lights
bullet gif Section 9.77 Traffic Cone
bullet gif Section 9.78 Traffic Drum
bullet gif Section 9.79 Construction Barricades
bullet gif Section 9.80 Construction Staking
bullet gif Section 9.81 1 Meter Traffic Cone
bullet gif Section 9.99 Disposal of Buildings