Unit 2 - Geometry Curriculum - Math
Teacher Resources
Investigation 1
- Overview
- Activity 2.1.1 Congruent Segments and Angles
- Activity 2.1.2 Properties of Congruence
- Activity 2.1.3 Congruent Polygons
- Activity 2.1.4 Areas and Perimeters of Congruent Figures
- Activity 2.1.5 Using Congruence to Find Unknown Parts
- Activity 2.1.6b Mapping Congruent Polygons
Investigation 2
- Overview
- Activity 2.2.1 SAS Congruence
- Activity 2.2.2 Applying the SAS Congruence Theorem
- Activity 2.2.3 ASA Congruence
- Activity 2.2.4 Applying the ASA and SAS Congruence Theorems
- Activity 2.2.5 Posing Problems with Congruent Triangles
- Activity 2.2.6 Which Triangles can be Proved Congruent?
Investigation 3
- Overview
- Activity 2.3.1 Triangles in the Coordinate Plane
- Activity 2.3.2a Angles in Isosceles Triangles
- Activity 2.3.2b Angles in Isosceles Triangles
- Activity 2.3.3a Proving the Isosceles Triangle Theorem
- Activity 2.3.3b Proving the Isosceles Triangle Theorem
- Activity 2.3.4a Proving the Isosceles Triangle Converse
- Activity 2.3.4b Proving the Isosceles Triangle Converse
- Activity 2.3.5 Converses of Conditional Statements
- Activity 2.3.6 Equilateral Triangles
- Activity 2.3.7 Altitudes and Medians
Investigation 4
- Overview
- Activity 2.4.1 Making Kites
- Activity 2.4.1 Triangles Template
- Activity 2.4.2 Kites in the Coordinate Plane
- Activity 2.4.3 The SSS Congruence Theorem
- Activity 2.4.4 Rigid Structures
- Activity 2.4.5 Using the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem
Investigation 5
- Overview
- Activity 2.5.1 Angle Relationships
- Activity 2.5.2 The Vertical Angles Theorem
- Activity 2.5.3 Identifying Angle Pairs
- Activity 2.5.4 Parallel Lines and Corresponding Angles
- Activity 2.5.5 Proving Angle Relationships
- Activity 2.5.6 More Proofs with Parallel Lines
Investigation 6
- Overview
- Activity 2.6.1a Euclidean Construction Tools
- Activity 2.6.2a Constructing an Equilateral Triangle
- Activity 2.6.2a Geogebra file.ggb
- Activity 2.6.3a Construction Challenge
Investigation 7
- Overview
- Activity 2.7.1 Construction of an Equilateral Triangle
- Activity 2.7.2 Construction of an Angle Bisector
- Activity 2.7.3 Construction of a Line Perpendicular to a Line at a Point on the Line
- Activity 2.7.4 Construction of a Perpendicular to a Line from a Point not on the Line
- Activity 2.7.5 Perpendicular Bisectors
- Activity 2.7.6 Construction of the Perpendicular Bisector of a Line Segment
- Activity 2.7.7 Construction of a Triangle Congruent to a Given Triangle
- Activity 2.7.8 Construction of an Angle Congruent to a Given Angle