Clasped hands

Discover CT health benefits, food assistance, financial help, and more

Welcome to the Department of Social Services (DSS)! We aim to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of Connecticut’s individuals, families, and communities. 

DSS delivers and funds programs and services that support the basic needs of children, families, older adults, and others, such as people with disabilities. These include:
  • HUSKY Health
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Family Assistance (TFA)
  • CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
  • CT Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE)
  • Social Work Services and Protective Services for the Elderly (PSE)
  • Child Support Services
Explore all DSS has to offer. We’ll work with you to get you the assistance you need!
Find benefits and support  

Need support?

Family grocery shopping

Apply for DSS benefits and services on ConneCT

Do you need help with healthcare, food, or cash? Apply for services that can help you and your family stay healthy and secure using ConneCT.

Services you can apply for include: food assistance (SNAP), cash assistance, medical benefits (HUSKY Health), Medicare Savings Program, long-term services and supports, and family planning.
Apply for services  

Already getting benefits or services?

Family on computer

Manage all your DSS benefits in one place with MyDSS

Go to MyDSS, a mobile-friendly way to reach DSS anywhere, anytime, on any device!
  • Check your benefit status or EBT balance in real-time.
  • Get a budget sheet or proof of benefits letter.
  • Report changes, renew your benefits, or upload documents.
Go to MyDSS  

Quick links

Legislative Affairs 

Find legislative reports, testimony, documents, and more from the Department of Social Services.

MyDSS/MyAccount support 

Short videos of how to use the self-service features of MyDSS and MyAccount.

Most popular forms 

Look here for common DSS applications and forms.

EBT card information 

Get info about how to use and replace your Connect EBT card.

Discover DSS

People applying for benefits

How to apply for benefits

Find out how to submit an application for benefits using the ConneCT and Access Health systems. Discover how to manage your benefits using MyDSS.
Hands in the middle

All programs and services

Looking for a specific program from DSS? Get the help you need by browsing all of our programs and services. We’ve organized them by category to make it easy.
Microphone at podium

Press releases

Keep up to date with the latest news and press releases from the Department of Social Services.


health number

2-1-1 is the confidential, free, 24-hour a day, and multilingual way to locate hundreds of essential health and human services in Connecticut.

dss data icon

DSS serves over 1 million residents of all ages, across all 169 cities and towns with a number of different programs.

request a hearing

Information about the Office of Legal Counsel, Regulations and Administrative Hearings (OLCRAH) and how to request a hearing with DSS.

video sign lang icon

On-site video sign language interpreting in all DSS offices. This is the on-demand video service that provides communication between deaf or hard-of-hearing persons and hearing persons that are in the same location.

ct fatherhood icon

A broad-based, statewide collaborative effort led by DSS, focused on changing the systems that can improve fathers’ ability to be fully and positively involved in the lives of their children.

partners vendors

Information about DSS’ RFPs, contracts, vendors, state plans amendments, and Medicaid waiver applications.

ct pathways

A free skills-based work program that provides short-term job training programs at community colleges and community-based organizations.

jobs opportunities
The State of Connecticut offers a variety of careers in healthcare, engineering, IT, skilled trades, public safety, and more.

Register to vote online if you have a CT driver's license or DMV-issued ID, look up your current voter registration, and find your polling place.

Community partner
Explore the Department of Social Services’ online toolkit for community partners.
CT residents, entrepreneurs, and small business owners can visit a variety of state agencies and partner organizations that offer online applications for many different programs and benefits.
Our mission is to help you stay healthy and informed while providing you with every opportunity to succeed.

Latest updates

medicaid member stakeholder meeting

Medicaid landscape analysis

Get info about the Medicaid Provider Stakeholder Meeting. We want to hear from Medicaid members, providers, and other stakeholders on what you think is working well and what needs to be improved.
keep your information updated

Keep your information updated

Have you moved or changed your phone number? We need your updated information, so you don’t miss out on important information about your benefits.
visiting nurse

In-home safety funding now available

The Department has made $6 million in ARP 9817 funding available to support in-home staff safety enhancements.

Learn more about DSS

Commissioner Andrea Barton Reeves

Meet Commissioner Andrea Barton Reeves

Andrea Barton Reeves is the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Social Services. With over twenty years of experience in Human Services and advocacy, she has dedicated her career to ensuring equity, dignity and accessibility to services and supports for thousands of residents throughout the state.
Learn more about Commissioner Reeves