Heating and utility assistance

Family stays warm with Connecticut home heating assistance

Stay warm with heating and utility assistance programs

Staying warm during Connecticut's cold winters is essential. The CT Department of Social Services (DSS) is here to help. We can assist with heating bills and energy-saving options. Our programs will keep your home safe and comfortable all winter. Connecticut offers energy assistance programs including:
  • Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
  • CT Winter Protection Program
  • EnergizeCT
  • Utility payment plans
We also offer weather alerts, home heating tips, and more.
Visit the CT Heating Help website  

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

CT family keeping warm during winter  with CEAP

Heating help for eligible CT households paid directly to your utility company or fuel supplier

CEAP helps eligible households pay for winter heating costs. It is federally known as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The program provides matching payment plans, shut-off protection, clean, tune, and test (CTT) services, and heating system replacement or repairs (HSRR). You may be eligible if:
  • You’re a Connecticut resident with an annual household income meeting eligibility criteria.
  • You receive food stamps (SNAP), SSI, TANF, or other DSS benefits.
Learn about CEAP and apply online  

More DSS winter heating and utility help

Snow plow clearing snow from CT road

CTAlerts: severe winter weather

Get CTAlerts sent to your voice and text communication devices, including landline phones, mobile phones, email, and more.
Mother and daughter lie on floor of house looking at tablet

EnergizeCT initiative

Learn how to cut heating costs and boost energy efficiency for your home or business.
 Frozen outdoor water faucet

Extreme cold weather storm tips

Stay warmer during the coldest weather events with our extreme cold weather and winter storm tips.
Public Utilities Regulatory Agency assesses electrical facility

Public Utilities Regulatory Agency (PURA)

Learn how we protect utility customers by regulating private electricity suppliers.
Man counts money to pay utility bills

Utility payment plans

Eligible CT utility customers may qualify for payment plans and support for covering the cost of electric and heating fuel.
Family watching TV eating pizza

Winter Protection Program

The Winter Protection Program helps prevent utility shut-offs during the coldest months to keep your family safe.