Refugee Assistance Program


The Office of Community Services of the Department of Social Services (DSS) is responsible for disbursing federal funds related to the resettlement of refugees in Connecticut.  Refugees are assigned by the U.S. State Department to local affiliates of national voluntary resettlement agencies in Connecticut.  DSS disburses federal refugee assistance program funds, administers refugee cash and medical assistance programs and monitors resettlement activity for individuals who qualify as refugees under international law.  A refugee can request to become a legal permanent resident after one-year residence in the U.S. and can apply for U.S. citizenship five years after their date of entry to the U.S.

DSS regional offices administer the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) programs for refugees for up to twelve months from their date of entry to the U.S.  DSS also provides refugees with temporary family assistance/cash assistance, medical coverage and food stamp assistance under those public assistance programs since refugees qualify as legal non-citizens.
The State contracts with the following agencies to provide resettlement services including case management, employment assistance, and additional supportive services to refugees:
The following are the total number of new refugee arrivals to Connecticut for the corresponding federal fiscal years (October 1 through September 30):

FFY 2009  351 FFY 2012  436  FFY 2015  819  FFY 2018   156
FFY 2010  507 FFY 2013  548 FFY 2016  837  FFY 2019   142
FFY 2011  447 FFY 2014  545 FFY 2017  452  FFY 2020     57 