Long-Term Services and Supports - LTSS
- Am I eligible for LTSS home and community based services, including what is generally known as 'homecare' services?+
- Can I report changes online?+
- Can Medicaid and Cash be backdated?+
- Do I need a review of past assets and financial activity (look-back) when applying for Long Term Services and Supports payment?+
- How do I become an Authorized Representative for a family member or friend through DSS?+
- How do I obtain information/updates regarding a Long Term Services and Supports case?+
- How long does a Rated Housing Facility bed hold last?+
- How long does it take to process a new application?+
- My LTSS assistance was denied /closed or is in jeopardy of being over assets. What is the asset limit and how can I reduce my assets?+
- What do the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary, Special Low Income Medicare Beneficiary, and the Additional Low Income Medicare Beneficiary programs cover?+
- What does my Medicaid cover?+
- What if my Patient Liability (PLA) is needed for my other expenses?+
- What is a Community Spousal Allowance (CSA)?+
- What is a Personal Needs Allowance (PNA)?+
- What Is Considered a Residential Care Home?+
- What is Long Term Services and Supports?+
- What is needed to determine the Community Spousal Allowance (CSA)?+
- What is Patient Liability (PLA)?+
- What is the process for reporting a change or discrepancy?+
- What number do you call for non-emergency medical transportation?+
- What should I send with the Application/Redetermination?+
- Who do I contact if I have a concern regarding the care provided in a Skilled Nursing Facility?+
- Who is my caseworker?+