Community and Social Work

Most Popular Results

  • Economic Security - Electronic Benefits Transfer EBT

    The goals of the DSS-EBT project are to: provide a more reliable, stable, and convenient benefit delivery system; to provide a more cost effective and efficient benefit issuance system; to eliminate ATP card redemption, SNAP handling, and check cashing in Connecticut banks; to provide authorized SNAP retailers with EBT technology at the point-of-sale and streamlined accounting and settlement procedures for SNAP; to reduce the administrative costs of benefit issuance; and to reduce fraud and SNAP benefit trafficking associated with the paper benefit issuance process.

  • Energy Assistance - Winter Heating

    The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is now open at community action agency sites around the state. To schedule an appointment, please call your local community action agency at the phone number provided below. You can also contact 2-1-1- United Way or the DSS Office of Community Services at 1-800-842-1132 for contact information on the intake site closest to where you reside.

  • Human Services Infrastructure

    In the system we envision, people would be able to get help that felt like help when they needed it and access concrete resources to support their efforts toward improved self-sufficiency. 

  • Refugee Assistance Program

    The Office of Community Services of the Department of Social Services (DSS) is responsible for disbursing federal funds related to the resettlement of refugees in Connecticut.  Refugees are assigned by the U.S. State Department to local affiliates of national voluntary resettlement agencies in Connecticut.

  • Social Work Services

    Social Work Services develops services and methods of service delivery designed to respect the client’s right to self-determination and empower and protect individuals, families and those who are economically disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable. 

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