Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)


How do you know if you are an ABAWD

You are an ABAWD if you are aged 18 up to 55 years of age, are able to work, and are not living with a dependent child under the age of 18. This includes:

  • The month after the month you turn 18.
  • The month you turn 55.

Time Limits for ABAWDs

People who are ABAWDs usually have a time limit on SNAP. As an ABAWD you are allowed to receive SNAP benefits for only 3 months during a 3-year period. This is known as the ABAWD time limit.

The ABAWD time limit does not apply if you:

  • meet the ABAWD work requirements, or
  • are exempt from the ABAWD time limit

ABAWD Work Requirements

If you meet the ABAWD work requirements, you do not have a time limit on SNAP. There are many ways you can meet the ABAWD work requirements. You can meet this by:

  1. Working at least 80 hours per month, or an average of 20 hours per week.
    Note: Work means employment, self-employment, volunteer work, or working in exchange for goods and services provided instead of cash, or in-kind income.
  2. Participating in a work program at least 80 hours a month.
  3. Working and participating in a work program for a combination of at least 80 hours a month.

People who do not have ABAWD Time Limits

You do not have a time limit on SNAP if you qualify for an exemption. If you are exempt from the ABAWD time limits, you also do not have to meet the ABAWD work requirements. You will not be limited to a 3-month time limit.

You are exempt from the ABAWDs time limits if you are any of the following:

  • Younger than age 18
  • Age 55 or older
  • Are physically and/or mentally unable to work
  • Experiencing homelessness
  • Receive SNAP benefits with a child under age 18
  • Age 24 or younger and in foster care when you were age 18
  • Are pregnant
  • Live in an exempt town
  • Meet a General Work Requirements Exemption
  • Served in the Armed Forces regardless of discharge status; or
  • Receive any temporary or permanent disability benefit such as SSI, SSDI, or VA Benefits

How can you prove the ABAWD time limit does not apply to you?

If you think the ABAWD time limits should not apply to you, please use the Request for Exemption from the SNAP Time Limit to tell us about your situation.

If there is a medical reason for your exemption, please use the SNAP ABAWD Work Requirement Medical Report.

By using these forms, we can decide if you are exempt or are already meeting the ABAWD work requirements.

If you are having trouble online, call 1-855-626-6632 or visit your local DSS office to request a paper form.

Good cause for not meeting the ABAWD Work Requirements

If you have a good reason for not meeting the ABAWD Work Requirements, you may be able to be exempt. Good reasons include things out of your control like getting sick, no childcare for a child younger than age 12, or not having transportation.

If you have a good reason, there will be no change to your SNAP benefits. If you think you have a good reason, contact us at 1-855-626-6632.

Do you need help finding training or a job?

If you would like help finding or training for a job, you can ask about our free SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) Program. SNAP E&T can help you gain skills to find work and become more independent.

You can also call or go to your local American Job Center or your local community action agency

