Office of Legal Counsel, Regulations and Administrative Hearings (OLCRAH)


Director, Department of Social Services, Office of Legal Counsel, Regulations and Administrative Hearings, 55 Farmington Avenue, 11th floor, Hartford CT 06105.

Telephone and Fax Directory

Legal Director: Matthew S. Antonetti: 860-424-5104  fax 860-424-5403

Hearings Manager: Marci Ostroski: 860 424-4920  fax 860 424-5729

Hearings Supervisors : Valerie Gayer: 860 424-5672, Swatantar Sehgal: 860 424-4915, Joshua Couillard: 860 424-4852  fax 860 424-5729

The Administrative Hearings main telephone number is 860-424-5760 (please use if calling within the Hartford calling area) or 1-800-462-0134 outside of the Hartford calling area. The 800 number is toll free in CT only.

The Administrative Hearings primary fax number is 860-424-5729

The Legal Unit primary fax number is 860-424-5403

The Access Health CT-Health Exchange hearings unit main telephone number is 860-424-4965 (please use if calling within the Hartford area) or 1-855-306-8625 outside of the Hartford calling area. The 855 number is toll free in CT only.

The Access Health CT-Health Exchange hearings unit fax number is 860 424-4923.

TheAccess Health CT-Health Exchange hearings unit email address is

The Central Office TDD number is 800-842-4524 (860) 424-4975 from out of state)Applicants for and recipients of assistance from the Department who wish to seek legal representation may call Statewide Legal Services at 1-800-453-3320 for information. You may also visit the following websites of Connecticut based legal services organizations:

You may e-mail your questions to the unit at

Mailing Address: DSS-OLCRAH, 55 Farmington Avenue, Hartford CT 06105
