Office of Legal Counsel, Regulations and Administrative Hearings (OLCRAH)
Scheduling Of Hearings
Generally, for hearings relating to DSS benefits, the Department will schedule the hearing to take place within 30 days of receiving the request. The notice of hearing is mailed to the person who requested the hearing at least 10 days before the hearing and contains information about the time and place of the hearing, in addition to other information. With certain limitations, the hearing may be rescheduled upon request.
For involuntary transfer or discharge hearings, the hearing will take place not less than 10 nor more than 30 days from the date DSS receives the hearing request. For hearings for failure to readmit to a facility, the hearing will take place not later than 15 days after DSS receives the hearing request.
Possible Resolution Prior to the Hearing
Prior to the hearing date, it may be possible to resolve the issue that is the subject of the hearing. The applicant or recipient (the Appellant) may call the Benefit Center at 1-855-626-6632 to obtain an explanation of the action DSS is proposing to take, and may agree further information is obtained. Also, DSS will review the matter again and reach out to the applicant or recipient to see if it is possible to resolve it without a hearing.
If the problem is resolved prior to the hearing and the Appellant no longer needs or wants a hearing, the Appellant may call the Hearing Office at 1-800-462-0134 to withdraw the hearing request. DSS will then mail a form (with a stamped, self-addressed envelope) for the Appellant to sign and return to the Hearing Office to confirm the withdrawal of the hearing request. The form is found here and on the DSS website. The Appellant may also simply send a signed letter to the Hearing Office at 55 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105-3725 to confirm the withdrawal.
Hearing Summary and Documents
At least five days before the date of the hearing, the Department’s representative or contractor will send the Appellant a Hearing Summary that explains the basis for the Department’s proposed action. The Department will also send the Appellant any documents that will be presented to the Hearing Officer at the hearing. With certain exceptions for some types of hearings, the Appellant has the right to review and get copies of all the records and documents the Department has in its file concerning the Appellant.
See Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 17b-60; 19a-535(h); 19a-537