Unit 5 – Algebra II Curriculum – Math
Teacher Resources
Investigation 1
- Overview
- Activity 5.1.1 New Beginnings
- Activity 5.1.2 Using the Definition of a Logarithm
- Activity 5.1.3 Graphing logb x
- Activity 5.1.4 The Product and Quotient Rules for Logarithms
- Activity 5.1.5 The Power Rule for Logarithms
- Activity 5.1.6 How High is that Stack of Paper?
- Activity 5.1.7a Undoing Raising to a Power and Taking the Logarithm
- Activity 5.1.7b Revisiting Inverse Functions
Investigation 2
- Overview
- Activity 5.2.1 How Many Compounding Periods Should I Try to Get?
- Activity 5.2.2 Revisiting e and Compound interest
- Activity 5.2.3 The Remarkable e
- Activity 5.2.4 Equations Involving Logarithms
Investigation 3
- Overview
- Activity 5.3.1 Can we Eat the Chicken?
- Activity 5.3.2 Earthquakes!
- Activity 5.3.3 Basic or Acidic
- Activity 5.3.4 Measuring Sound Intensity
- Activity 5.3.5 Problems Using logarithmic Scales
Investigation 4
- Overview
- Activity 5.4.1 Changing Parameters
- Activity 5.4.2 Transformations Using f(x)=e^x
- Activity 5.4.3 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Applications
Investigation 5
- Overview
- Activity 5.5.1 United States Census
- Activity 5.5.2 Modeling the Population of the United States
- Activity 5.5.3 The Cost of a Used Car
- Activity 5.5.4 Which Model Should I Use?
- Activity 5.5.5 Fitting an Exponential Function by Linearizing the Data
Investigation 6
- Overview
- Activity 5.6.1 Finite Geometric Series
- Activity 5.6.2 Sam’s Story
- Activity 5.6.3 Rumors, Worms, and Viruses
- Activity 5.6.4 Return to Sierpinski